Only $500 today... and the rest AFTER the event once you see your AOV is DOUBLED! If it's not 2X, you get your $500 back and you pay nothing.
From: Todd Brown
West Palm Beach, Florida
How much does the typical new customer spend with you on the day they buy? On day one?
Whatever it is...
I guarantee, after just two days together, your average new customer transaction size will be DOUBLE what it is right now.
So, if new customers spend $25 with you right now on day one, when we're done, every new customer will spend $50 with you.
If new customers spend $50 with you right now on day one, when we're done, every new customer will spend $100 with you.
So, you'll bank double the money from every new customer sale on the day they buy.
Think about what that does for you, your business, and your ability to grow...

Because once we 2X your average transaction size…
Not too mention, your business, your sales, and your income will no longer be vulnerable to the ever increasing costs of media buying and paid traffic...
...because you’ll be banking more than enough money from every new customer sale to pay for it.
And, by the end of these two days together, you either feel completely confident we’ve achieved all of these for you, or you pay nothing.
That’s right!...
On the spot I’ll write you check for 100% of your investment if you’re not completely convinced of the pay-off from the work I’ve done.
There’s only one catch…
With the time, attention, and energy I’ll be putting into dialing-in your campaign, and those of the others in attendance, I obviously have to strictly limit the number of people who can join us.
Because I’ll personally be working on every marketing campaign, I can only accept 12 people. That’s it.
Once those 12 seats are claimed, that’s all she wrote.
And I have no doubt the seats are going to go quickly.

Well, being you’re on this page...
You likely already know me, my reputation, and my track record.
You likely already know the best of the best marketers come to me when they need help with their own campaigns.
Maybe you’ve seen the raving reviews and endorsements from some of the world’s best trainers, coaches, and marketers.

Or maybe you’ve seen the volume of client case studies I have from entrepreneurs in over 47 different countries...
...marketing and selling hundreds of different types of products and services, now raking-in millions from my advice.

But, what you may not know is how I’m able to move the needle so BIG and so FAST for my client’s campaigns.
Plain and simple:
I’ve cracked the code on how to increase the average transaction size in almost any marketing campaign.
I do it with what I now call…

It’s a set of five unique metrics that tell me which of my proven 21 AOV Boosters is needed to crank-up your average transaction size.
And it’s all mathematical...
So it removes all the mystery and guesswork from the process of making more money for you every sale.
The FAST AND EASY part for you...
Applying the AOV Algorithm™ to your marketing campaign does NOT require you to change any of the copy or existing pages in your funnel, or the main product or offer.
So, you're able to see the financial impact in just days, instead of weeks or months.
That's why I use the AOV Algorithm™ every month to pump the average transaction size on my own campaigns.
The same ones you see me using everyday to get hundreds of daily new customer sales.
And, I also use it on the campaigns of my members’ in my $30K a year TOP ONE Mastermind™ and on the campaigns of private clients who invest $15,000 a day with me in our war room in West Palm Beach, Florida.

And, even though my clients pay tens of thousands of dollars for these insights from me, they do it gladly.
Because winning entrepreneurs understand… the game of marketing today is WON or LOST by the size of your average transaction.
When you're banking more money from each new customer sale, it's easy to grow your business bigger and bigger.
Because, with more money coming in from every transaction...
You can drive more traffic... you can afford to pay more for new customers... you can easily outspend your competitors... you can use marketing campaigns with lower conversion rates, and...
The wealthy, superstar entrepreneurs get this. They know the key is growing average transaction size.
The average entrepreneurs and marketers — the ones who know all the marketing tactics and strategies, yet never breakthru to the big money — don’t.
The average continue to try to play a game of sales conversion rate; endlessly trying different funnel models, pitches, and campaigns...
Jay Abraham
Legendary Marketing Expert
"Increasing your average transaction size is one of the three critical paths to business growth."

Brad Sugars
Founder and chairman of ActionCOACH
"Boost the dollar value of your average sale, and you boost your cash flow and bottom line."
Not realizing, no matter how high their conversion rate may get, without a big enough average transaction size they’ll still end up with an unprofitable, unscalable campaign.
Cause, at the end of the day, the only thing which matters is how much money new customers spend with you compared to how much it cost you to generate those new customers.
And, while the cost of traffic side of the equation is mostly out of your control and determined by supply and demand, average transaction size is fully within your control.
This is why the savvy entrepreneurs and marketers know… the ability to scale sales, drive more and more traffic, and grow a monster list of customers comes from growing average transaction size.

Dan Kennedy
Legendary Marketer
"Even in relatively mundane businesses, innovative entrepreneurs must find ways to dramatically boost average transaction size."
This is what I want to do for YOU.
And we’ll do it over two days at my 2X Your AOV event.
Before I give you the details, let me x one important question...
? If you don’t have at least one front-end, customer-generating campaign working right now….
? If you’re a newbie entrepreneur or marketer…
? Or, if your business doesn’t have a healthy cash-flow…
This is NOT for you.
And I would ask you to pass on this opportunity.
The 2X Your AOV event is for established entrepreneurs who have a working campaign — whether it’s new, old, struggling, tiring, or poised to be scaled — and recognize the monster financial impact of having your average transaction size doubled.
If that describes you...
...and you’re willing to let me apply the AOV Algorithm™ and a mix of my 21 AOV Boosters to your campaign...
You’re eligible to be one of only 12 entrepreneurs and marketers to attend...

Day #1 of 2:
Our first day together you’ll be one of only a handful of people ever to learn my entire AOV Algorithm™ and ALL 21 AOV Boosters.
You’ll discover the science behind the entire system, and gain the ability to apply it to any marketing campaign going forward.

So, you’ll possess the ability to increase the average transaction size of all your campaigns, not just the one I dial-in for you.
And, by the end of day one, you’ll be armed with 21 tested methods for boosting average transaction size and making more money from every sale.
You'll walk away with money-makers like…
Keep in mind...
That’s just a small taste of what you’ll get on Day One.
Fact is:

Dozens of the best marketers in the world have flown-in from all across the globe to learn Todd's methods for pumping sales.
Just two or three of my 21 AOV Boosters alone can add serious money to every sale for you.
When used together with the AOV Algorithm™ I'm teaching you, you can see your AOV double, if not triple or more.
And, when that happens, your business can easily and quickly begin to take-off.
Because cash will no longer be an issue for you.
Nor will traffic costs.
Nor will growing your customer list.
Nor will being able to afford scaling your front-end.
No. From the moment you have my 21 AOV Boosters, you'll be poised to experience a whole new level of entrepreneurial success.
And that, my friend, is when being an entrepreneur is fun as heck!
And all this is just from Day One...
Day #2 of 2:
Our second day together is where the real magic happens...
Because this is when I’ll take your campaign and… live, on the spot… apply the AOV Algorithm™ and the perfect mix of AOV Boosters for your campaign.

Imagine the financial impact of having Todd Brown working on your campaign... as you sit and watch him work his money-making magic for YOU.
In other words, I’ll do a full-blown HOT SEAT for your campaign right there.
I’ll bring-up the campaign on the projector, do an analysis of the five metrics, and tell you which of the 21 AOV Boosters to apply, where, when, and how
In other words, I'll be doing all the work, and you'll be making all the money.
And, by the time I’m done with your campaign, I guarantee…
And, for whatever reason or no reason at all, if you’re not 100% convinced and confident of this, just say the word and I’ll write you check on the spot for every penny you spent to be in attendance.
That’s how sure I am of what this will do for you and your campaign.
So, there’s ZERO RISK for you. Just your time.
This is the closest thing to having me as your Director of Marketing, doing all the work to make you more money.

Even just one or two insights from Todd can be worth a small fortune to you and your business.
And you already know my reputation for making people millions... my ability to craft monster marketing campaigns... and my chops for applying quick tweaks which bring-in serious bank.
Now, this is the rare opportunity for you to have me do it for YOU.
Only, you don’t have to fork over my normal rate of $30,000 for two days of my time.

The investment to be one of the 12 in the room is $10,000.

Are you ready to be next? How much faster will your business and income grow after these two days with Todd?
Today you just cover your seat registration of $500. That's it.
Then, one week AFTER the Bootcamp... AFTER I've done the work on your campaign... AFTER you're making more money every sale... will you cover the remaining $9500.
Plus, you risk nothing...

And, like I said, if at anytime before the end of the Bootcamp you're not completely confident I've DOUBLED your average transaction size, just say the word and you'll get a complete refund of your $500 registration fee AND you pay nothing else!
So, you can attend the entire two-days with me... learn my entire AOV Algorithm™ and 21 AOV Boosters... have me do all the work on your campaign... and you're either thrilled with the results, or you pay nothing!
It’s as simple as that.
Not too mention…
Consider how much this will be worth to you and your business within just 30 days, alone, after the 2X Your AOV event. Then over the following three months... six months... 12 months.
You already know, these two days with me could easily add half a million to a million dollars to your business. If not more.
But, if you’re interested, and if you meet the criteria I outlined above, you need to ACT NOW.
Because, with ONLY 12 SEATS, I have no doubt this will quickly be sold-out.
And I have no plans on doing this event again anytime soon.
What makes the 2X Your AOV Event different from everything else?
First, you get me (Todd Brown) working on your campaign. Not some coach and not some hired help.
And, you're not getting random tips or suggestions. At the event I'll make specific changes and tweaks to your campaign so you make more money.
Keep in mind, entrepreneurs happily pay $15,000 for a single day to get my eyes on their marketing.
Next, you'll be one of the first to learn my entire AOV Algorithm™ and my coveted 21 AOV Boosters. Again, these aren't general tips like "use an upsell" or "follow-up with an offer".
No. As an attendee at the 2X Your AOV Event, you get my entire system for making more money from every sale. A system which nobody else has seen. You'll be just one of 12 to walk away with it.
Why is it smart to make the investment to attend?
That's easy...
Because you and your desire to have a thriving business are worth it.
Because you're savvy enough to realize this is a smart investment which will pay you dividends right away... and a heck of a lot of dividends well into the future. For the rest of your life, to be more specific.
Because you know... when every customer sale is putting twice the amount of money in your pocket they are right now, you'll find it much easier and much more straight-forward to grow your business and income. Not too mention, much faster.
And, because, what better investment can you make in yourself and your business than the ability to double the revenue you get from every sale.
And, if all that wasn't enough...
You risk nothing by attending. I either double your average transaction size, or you get 100% of your money back. Period.
That's why it's a smart move for you to invest in attending!
I'm looking forward to seeing the look on your face when you realize... I've DOUBLED how much you'll be banking from every new customer transaction.
See you at the event,

P.S. I hate to sound cliché, but... this is extremely limited.
With only 12 seats, I have no doubt this will sell-out quickly.
So, if you recognize the value of having me double your average transaction size, you want to take action now and secure your seat.
As soon as all 12 seats are claimed, this page will be replaced with a SORRY, SOLD OUT placeholder page.
And I'd hate to know you wanted in, waited, and got locked out.
Got a question?
Shoot me a text: 561-475-1550
(Yep, I'll respond personally.)