7 Marketing Actions For 2018

C’mon, is that not the ugliest Christmas sweater you’ve ever seen?

The hairy chest… the belly protruding… it’s disgustingly glorious.

Well, whether it’s an ugly Christmas sweater contest or marketing…

I believe in going the distance.

So, in 2018 I’ll be doing more of what marketing has worked well for us, and cranking-up the things my team and I could have done better.

Here are 7 marketing actions you should consider as well:

Todd Brown E5 CAMP


The people who are most likely to buy from you are the ones who’ve already purchased something.

Buyers are buyers.

While most marketers focus the majority of their attention on driving new leads and getting new customers, they often do little with the most valuable segment of their list — their customers.

To drive more profits, focus more time on presenting your existing customers with additional opportunities to get value from you.

More often than most entrepreneurs realize, by not marketing enough to their customers, they lose people to their competition. Why? Because buyers like to buy.

So give them more opportunities to do that.


You can never go wrong being a more valuable guide or resource for your prospects.

Holding back powerful ideas or content for fear of “giving prospects too much” is foolishness.

Prove your value and earn their trust.

Focus on giving true utility when communicating with your market.

Really help them. Don’t just pitch and pitch and pitch.

Show them you’re a worthy provider of the solution they’re after.


With a thousand and one different platforms and communication channels today, it’s easy to get sucked in a million directions.

It’s a mistake.

Before trying to build a presence on multiple platforms, drill deep with one.

It’s better to be omnipresent on one major platform than have bits and pieces of your brand scattered.

Todd Brown's E5 CAMP Program


Customer acquisition is the key to sustainable growth.

Your chief priority as an entrepreneur is to have at least one marketing campaign which brings you new customers every day at a reasonable cost.

The key to this is presenting ideas and offers which are congruent with what your market wants. With what interests them. With what they find hot and sexy.

You have to avoid the Curse Of Knowledge — getting too comfortable with your topic and product that you lose touch with your market’s language, ambitions, and interests.

Stay focuses on what they’re interested in, not what you’re interested in.

(Note: You should be using the E5 CAMP Method to design and test your new front-end campaigns. Go here to learn more.)


The days of spending a dollar on traffic and trying to earn back two, three, or four dollars right away… are long dead.

The more you’re willing to invest to get a new customer, the easier this entire game becomes. And the faster and bigger your business will grow.

You need to recognize:

You’re really in two separate businesses:

(1) You’re in the customer acquisition business
(2) You’re in the customer monetization business

Acquiring customers requires an investor’s mentality and approach.

Customers are assets. They have a value today and they have a future value.

And, like all assets, there’s a cost of acquiring those customers.

The more you’re willing and able to invest, the quicker you’ll be able to do it, and the more of them you’ll be able to get.

Determine your maximum allowable cost per acquisition. Then consistently work on increasing it.


Most marketers give up way too early on their leads.

Many don’t realize a chunk of their prospects have a longer “buying cycle”.

While two, three, and even four-day campaigns have their place, more often than not you can extend the length your marketing promotions and increase your sales conversions.

The key to making this work is having something new to say or new to offer prospects within a campaign. Not simply hammering them with buy, buy, buy.

But, instead, adding a new bonus, sharing a new case study, presenting a new piece of the marketing argument, giving them another new reason to respond.

Think about the companies and entrepreneurs who sell a single product, and are able to communicate with their tribe daily. How do they do it and remain relevant and valuable? By having something new to say.

Do the same, extend your campaigns, and watch what happens with your conversions and overall sales.


When it comes to your marketing campaigns, I’m a big believer in “less but better”.

Meaning: It’s better to have one dialed-in campaign than lots of little ones partially completed with lots of gaps.

When you have a campaign that’s got some legs, before you move on to the next campaign, make sure you have all the major pieces in place.

If it’s a front-end campaign, make sure you have:

1. An order form abandon sequence
2. Order form retargeting
3. Sales page retargeting
4. An order form bump offer
5. A complete set of quality add-on offers
6. A second-chance follow-up sequence
7. A full prospect follow-up sequence (with intensification portion)
8. An offer sequence for non-buyers
9. A backend sequence for buyers
10. New customer indoctrination sequence

Remember, one properly structured customer acquisition campaign can grow your business for months and months and months.

Just one.

So go the distance before moving on to a new campaign.

(Note: You can learn how to properly set-up all of these components, here.)

Todd Brown 🙂