In Your Customer’s Corner… Or Cornered By Your Customers?

Here’s an “old school” mindset I learned from the legendary Jay Abraham…

It’s that you always want to communicate as an advocate for your prospect.

Never fall in love with your product…

Never fall in love with your marketing…

Always fall in love with your customers and advocate for them.

That’s not just communicating as an advocate and positioning yourself as an advocate… but you truly want to BE their advocate.

When we have someone in our corner with a common goal saying:

“I’m here to support you in whatever way I can, and I’m gonna do everything in my power because I believe in you and this goal.”

That person becomes naturally likable to us.

That’s the positioning that you want to include in your marketing funnel.

For example:

When you deliver awesome free content, or you pass on a great discount or coupon code to your prospects and customers…

You’re not asking for anything or making them jump through hoops…

You’re just giving it to them because you know that’s what your marketplace has asked you for… You know it’s what they want.

This shows them you’re in their corner!

If you’re not willing to be a true advocate for your prospects, you’ll always feel cornered by your prospect’s requests and desires.

Being a true advocate builds goodwill, taps into reciprocity, and positions you as an authority.

Combine that with praising your prospect in your communications, you’ll become even more likable…

Human beings crave praise… and most people aren’t praised enough.

When you have a chance to compliment or praise prospects, take it.

Your prospects will like you more for it. And as you know, likability is one of the pillars of effective persuasion.
