Offering “Bonuses” Hurting Your Conversions?

Here’s something I see many average marketers doing these days…

And it’s seriously hurting their conversions…

Premiums (more commonly referred to in the internet marketing community as “bonuses”) have the power to drive conversions.

Premiums have the power to increase sales… Big time.

But only when they’re done correctly!

Yet, the majority of average online marketers see the premiums or bonuses as an afterthought.

Because their mindset is…

“I know I should have bonuses… That’s what I’ve been taught. So, what can I slap together?”

And so they put together uncoordinated, low value premiums.

The right way to construct your offer is to create your premiums specifically for the offer. 

Premiums should be so good and so valuable…

They should demonstrate such exciting, compelling benefits…

That your prospects would happily pay money for them!

The rule is: if you wouldn’t sell the premium by itself, you should not use it as part of your offer.

Premiums should also complement the main product…

Premium should enhance the benefits and the value of the main product.

Prospects should be able to immediately recognize the value of the premium and say – “Yes! I want that too!” – when you present it to them.

Sometimes prospects will even buy your offer just to get access to one of your premiums!

That’s why premiums are used to drive sales and increase conversions.

Your premiums should also be unique and proprietary.

You don’t want your premiums to be just something else that other people are sharing.

The way that you begin the construction of these premiums is by asking yourself…

“What premiums would perfectly complement my main product and add enormous value to the offer?” 

Don’t ask yourself simply what premiums can we throw into the offer.

Ask yourself what premiums would put this offer over the top.

That’s how you begin the process of premium creation.

By creating premiums that add enormous value to your offer, I guarantee you’ll increase your conversions, your revenue, and your profits.
