Prospects Buy When You Handle Their Baggage…

Today, I want to show something that could torpedo your conversions if you’re not careful…

All marketing funnel messaging must begin with an understanding of the prospect’s relevant beliefs, opinions, attitudes, prejudices, and pre-conceptions as it relates to their problem…

Before crafting a single piece of copy, a VSL script, or an email…

You need to start by gaining a deep level of insight into the relevant beliefs your prospect has as it relates to the content that you’re going to present.

Do they have any prejudices as it relates to what you’re going to show them?

For example:

If you were going to talk about Facebook advertising, what are their current relevant beliefs as it relates to Facebook in the context of online marketing?

Do they believe it’s a waste of time?

Do they think it’s ineffective, or a scam, or that it’s hype?

This is your prospect’s “baggage”.

Mental, psychological, and intellectual baggage…

Rest assured…

They’re bringing it all with them when they come into your marketing funnel!

Because your marketing message isn’t happening in a vacuum…

You’re not starting with a clean slate…

You need to make sure that you don’t say something or present something that directly, immediately, or harshly contradicts their relevant beliefs, their opinions and their attitudes.

Because if you do that early on…

You’re dead in the water. 

This is why you need to START with the prospect’s beliefs and opinions.

Those beliefs become the base that you build your marketing argument on.

Make sure you’re not stirring or generating any disagreement early.

You need to demonstrate to prospects that you understand their position…

You understand their problem…

You understand their needs…

In other words, you understand how to handle their baggage!

You need to acknowledge and start with their beliefs, opinions, attitudes, prejudices, and conceptions.

This is why generating that initial string of agreement, getting the prospect to nod and say…

“Yeah, yes, that is how I feel!”

When you generate that initial string of “yeses”

It shows prospects that you get them as a human being.

You’re NOT trying to start an argument…

You’re NOT trying to immediately attack what they believe coming in.

So, take a look at your own marketing funnel…

Are you presenting something in stark contrast to the current beliefs of your prospects, generating disagreement early on in the process?

If so, change it…

Instead, lead your prospect through your marketing funnel so that they ultimately come to accept your marketing case.

When you do that, you’ll see a massive boost in your conversions.
