This Single Piece of Advice From Mark Ford Changed Everything

This Turned My Marketing Career Right-side Up

That was one of the big game changers…

One of the moments that I really forever changed my journey as an entrepreneur, as a marketer –

I was blessed to be introduced to Mark Ford.

Mark is really the mastermind, the marketing mastermind, behind the Agora companies –

Which is about a one and a half billion dollar a year direct response company and they had grown fast and big…

And so I was sitting down with Mark and I asked him –

“Mark, what has been responsible for Agora’s growth?”

And I really thought that what he was going to say was, it was their marketing chops…

Business growth is based upon a Big Marketing Idea.

Or their deep pockets…

Or their advertising…

Or the size of their email list…

Or something related to typical marketing stuff…

But that’s not at all what he said.

What he said to me was that Agora was able to grow so quickly because they recognized early on that they’re really in the idea business.

They’re in the business of developing interesting, arresting, startling, compelling ideas.

To Grow Your Business, Get In The “Big Idea” Business

The ideas behind their emails, behind their essays, behind their videos, behind their offers, the ideas.

And when I first heard that, I didn’t quite get it because I had been trained in typical benefit driven copy and very sales oriented manner. I didn’t get it.

Grow your business by using Big Marketing Ideas.
Ideas – Big Marketing Ideas – Drive Business Growth

But it really sent me on a six-year journey, studying, mastering, the art and science behind developing big marketing ideas and it was a turning point for me. It has been a turning point for me and thank goodness, thank God it’s been a turning point for my clients.

So, if you’re ready to start using big marketing ideas in your business, I’ve got a book that you are absolutely gonna love.

It’s called How to Find Your Big Marketing Idea.

The Big Marketing Idea Book Makes Your Marketing Stand Out

Here are just some of the things you’ll learn inside to grow your business:

  • The 10 Elements of A Big Marketing Idea
  • The Big Marketing Idea Formula
  • 10 Multi-Million Dollar Real Life Big Marketing Idea Examples
  • How To Use The 5-Stage P.E.S. To Determine Your Prospect’s Buying Desire
  • How To Develop Your Big Marketing Idea (Including one that launched a $170 Million a year business)
  • And much more

Click Here To Grab Your Copy Of How to Find Your Big Marketing Idea Now.