Check out the 40-second video above...
That's over 10 years of physical mailings from the best of the best direct response marketers in the game...
Kennedy, Abraham, Kern, Brunson, Agora Companies, you name it.
I've saved every piece mailed for the past decade plus. (It pays to be a hoarder and on every list.)
Sales letters, postcards, magalogs, events, summits, conferences, discounts, order forms, lead gen campaigns, multi-step campaigns, bookalogs, high-ticket offers, masterminds, lifetime offers, upsells, EVERYTHING!
Estimated over 10,000 pages.
Over 120 friggin' pounds!
Why am I sharing this with you here?
Because a monster under-taking is in the works as we speak to do something wildly special with this collection...
Hint: http://Sept2021.com
With that, let's get to this week's goodies...
😍 Enjoy the Memo? Share it with your friends, fans, or followers...
- The $0 Marketing Strategy That Built an $11 Billion Dollar Business
"Uber decided against letting the public drive for Uber at its inception."
They did this based on their understanding of the market's biggest fears and perceptions.
Instead, they chose an initial model which they believed would open the doors to what Uber is today. And this initial strategy paid massive dividends for them. - Belief Bias: When People Rely on Beliefs Rather Than Logic
Marketing is all about understanding how people think, feel, and make decisions.
Cognitive biases effect everyone. Understanding them, and understanding how to address them in your communications can be wildly valuable. - How to Design an Online Course with a 96% Completion Rate
"The average completion rate of online courses is 4%."
That's insane. Means 96 out of 100 people who enroll in a course never complete it.
Yet, Seth Godin's AltMBA claims a 96% completion rate. But, how?
That's what's covered in this article. Insightful stuff.
Mark your calendar: September 25-26.
Those are the dates for the long-awaited Copy Workshop.
This thing is going to sell-out. Without question. Just not sure how fast.
So if you think you may want in, get on the Notification List now to be one of the first notified when registration opens in a couple weeks.
This week's Swipe File is an 8-page sales letter for a business opportunity. Written by TJ Rohleder, a highly-accomplished biz-opp marketer with a long track record of success in this arena.
Three things to pay attention to as you're reading this week's swipe:
- The simple language used: simple words, simple sentences. Written for average people with a colloquial conversational tone.
- The solution is kept blind, never revealed. Yet, the letter is still loaded with benefits and promises.
- The proof! Look at how many testimonials and endorsements are shared thru-out the letter. And all the different places where proof is offered. Out of eight pages, a quarter of them are proof stacked on top of proof.
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This week on our internal Team Marketing Training...
I walked the team thru the High-Ticket Value Equation -- how people make buying decisions with premium-priced products and services.
At the root, this is about cost versus value.
But... what determines value?
With high-ticket products and services, value is not determined by the bulk of stuff a prospect gets. Nor is it determined by the discrepancy between the perceived value of the stuff and the price.
Value, in a high-ticket exchange, is determined by the cost of the solution compared to the magnitude of the problem it solves.
People invest in products and services to solve problems. They buy solutions.
The value of a solution is determined by the severity of the problem it solves.
The less severe the problem, the less valuable the solution.
The more severe the problem, the more valuable the solution.
For example:
It would be difficult to get someone to purchase a $1000 bandage for a superficial cut on their leg.
But, for a cut on their leg which has nicked an artery... that same $1000 bandage may be viewed as a no-brainer.
The product didn't change. Nor did the price. Only the context which the solution was presented.
Highlighting the problem... and unpacking the implications of that problem if left unaddressed... is at the foundation of demonstrating value in a high-ticket transaction.
The problem must be big enough (or perceived as such) to justify the premium pricing.
🪰 "Be A Fly On The Wall As Todd Trains His Own Marketing Team Every Week"
See and hear everything Todd shares with this team -- every conversion tactic, copy hack, AOV booster, hook method, and more!
A question posted inside the E5 Nation Facebook Group...

Below is my response:

NOTE: If you're not in the E5 Nation Facebook Group with us yet, you're missing out on the opportunity to have me answer your questions. Not too mention, some killer content and live streams only shared inside the Group.
Go here and join us inside the E5 Nation Group (it's FREE!).
Superb discussion with Joel Erway from a couple weeks ago.
We covered some deep marketing topics.
"It has been a while since I’ve had a guest on Sold With Webinars. Whenever I bring somebody on the guest podcasts I make sure that it is worth your time investment and you get the most out of your listening time as much as possible.
Todd Brown is one of my mentors, and he is somebody whom I always reference with. I have progressed a lot from his teachings and the two biggest things that apply most to my methodology are the unique mechanism and the offer awareness spectrum.
In this episode, we talked about the two very important things when it comes to developing sales messages: marketing an intellectual property, and offers.
We wrap up by diving into the heart and soul of marketing, and the crazy proposition offer that is hard to say no to.
This is one of the best conversations in my guest podcasts. You will get a lot from this, as I do!"

Snapped this pic a couple days ago...
See the rainbow?
If you look close enough you'll also see the pooches (Carly & Oreo) roaming around on our little strip of grass.
I often come out back to read or just ponder.
Between the pool waterfall (not in the pic) and the water view, I find it expands my thinking.
Here are some epic ways we can help you scale your business…
1. Fed up with your marketing being ignored?
Grab your copy of this book and over $1,100+ in bonuses.
2. Your offer not converting or AOV in the tank?
Grab this bundle that’s working insanely well for almost everyone who uses it.
3. Want our personal help in scaling your business from 6-figures to 7-figures and beyond?