On April 23, 1910, Teddy Roosevelt delivered one of the most memorable speeches of his career.
Today, it's known as The Man In The Arena.
I have a large canvas of it hanging on the wall in my office so I can look at it daily...
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
With that, let's get to this week's goodies...
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- These Are 23 Great Rules To Be A Productive Creative
Ryan Holiday is an insanely prolific writer.
So when he talks about hacks and tricks and methods for doing more of your craft... you should listen. - YouTube Ads Step-by-Step Guide for 2021
This is a fantastic overview of the opportunity for marketers on Youtube right now.
I've said it before and I'll say it again... Youtube is one of the best advertising platforms online right now. Between the reach... targeting... cost... and search intention... it can pay massive dividends. - Grow on Twitter by just investing 1 hour a day?
I like this thread not because I'm a big advocate of Twitter. But, because I appreciate a repeatable workflow for doing anything.
Here, you'll see a simple breakdown of how to use Twitter as a tool for positioning, business development, and audience reach.
Think about how you can use a similar approach the content platforms you're already committed to leveraging.
If you haven't already, mark your calendar: September 25-26.
Those are the dates for the long-awaited Copy Workshop.
And there are ONLY 100 seats available...
And this is a one-time-only Workshop.
So this thing is going to sell-out. Just not sure how fast.
So if you don't want to accidentally miss-out, get on the Notification List now to be one of the first notified when registration opens next week.
This week's Swipe File hands you... in my opinion... one of the most impactful proof openings ever used.
It's been knocked-off multiple times. Recently too.
This is the full sales letter for Vincent James' original 12-Month Millionaire promotion. And it took the "marketing community" by storm when it first hit years ago.
I believe this letter worked as well as it did because... at the time... it was the first promotion for our "community" to come from someone who did tens of millions in sales with direct response marketing.
You'll see... there are some huge claims in here. Followed by some huge proof points.
I believe, today, Russell Brunson owns the rights to the 12-Month Millionaire program.
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This week on our internal Team Marketing Training...
I walked the guys, line-by-line, through a sales letter I wrote some time ago. It was for a partnership offer we had with an Agora affiliate.
I explained, to the guys, the strategy and desired outcome for each and every line.
And there's an important lesson right there for you with the copy you write for any marketing piece: You need to be clear on the purpose and objective of everything you say.
Even before you write a single word, you need to make sure you're clear on what you want to convey, what emotions you want to prod, what beliefs you want to establish, what benefits you want to convey, what objections or concerns you want to overcome, etc.
And, you need to be clear on where, when, and how you're going to do each throughout your marketing piece.
Nothing... and I mean nothing... should be a throw-away line in your marketing copy.
Everything you do, say, show, demonstrate, convey, etc., should be there for a strategic marketing purpose.
And you need to know what the strategic marketing purpose is behind every line in your copy.
If you're unclear on the objective of any sentence or paragraph or word, for that matter, get rid of it. Delete it.
Make everything count and contribute. Cause everything does -- good or bad -- in your copy.
🪰 "Be A Fly On The Wall As Todd Trains His Own Marketing Team Every Week"
See and hear everything Todd shares with this team -- every conversion tactic, copy hack, AOV booster, hook method, and more!
A question posted inside the E5 Nation Facebook Group...

Below is a response from legendary copywriter, David Deutsch:

NOTE: If you're not in the E5 Nation Facebook Group with us yet, you're missing out on the opportunity to have me answer your questions. Not too mention, some killer content and live streams only shared inside the Group.
Go here and join us inside the E5 Nation Group (it's FREE!).
There are a handful of things I wish I understood and did differently when I was starting out as an entrepreneur.
The first is about how growth and development in skills truly occurs.
The second is in dealing with internal fears about "what will people think".
Watch this little clip to hear me talk about both.

I've shared before -- we added Carly to the Brown crew mid-Covid lockdown.
Well, this past week she turned two. And, she's still as rambunctious as ever.
She continues to pick-on Oreo, our Pittie... rip-up every toy we buy her... and bark incessantly at anything that even looks remotely like a fellow dog.
Yesterday, after a few minutes going hog-wild under the blanket, she emerged with this... a little Bob Marley look.
If this dog wasn't so friggin' cute... I would have strangled her months ago.
Here are some epic ways we can help you scale your business…
1. Fed up with your marketing being ignored?
Grab your copy of this book and over $1,100+ in bonuses.
2. Your offer not converting or AOV in the tank?
Grab this bundle that’s working insanely well for almost everyone who uses it.
3. Want our personal help in scaling your business from 6-figures to 7-figures and beyond?