WARNING: Hypnotic Copywriting Technique

WARNING: Hypnotic Copywriting Technique

Today I want to share a tactic that can take your copywriting game to the next level, bringing your conversions along for the ride… They’re called Dimensionalized Benefit Statements… With this simple writing technique, you’re captivating the...
3 Boxes You Must Check BEFORE Prospects Will Buy…

3 Boxes You Must Check BEFORE Prospects Will Buy…

Here’s a powerful law of persuasion for you… People like and trust people that are most like themselves. We naturally migrate towards people that are similar to us. In your marketing funnel you can engineer powerful rapport with prospects thereby driving higher...
Losing Conversions By Speaking Greek To Prospects?

Losing Conversions By Speaking Greek To Prospects?

Just one or two wrong words can kill your conversions… I’m talking about Mistaken Prospect Languaging, and it happens when you use incorrect verbiage or jargon in your marketing. A simple example of this is if you were speaking to doctors… Instead of...